Befriending Change

Hello dear one! As we glide into Autumn welcoming the color filled days of October, I’m thinking about the concept of change. We typically shy away from this dastardly force. Or at least I know that I do. Despite that, I have come to appreciate its ability to carry us with all its potency, into … More Befriending Change

She’s Ready!

Hello dear friends, As we welcome June’s arrival, I am aware that for me, this is a heart-tugging month filled with memories of the past. It’s the month when, twenty eight years ago, Claude and I stood together on the edge of the Northern CA coast reciting our vows to one another. It’s the month … More She’s Ready!

That Was Then, This is Now

I recently had a conversation with a fellow widow and mentioned that this month marks the eleventh year since Claude’s suicide. Knowing that I am much further along than she is on her journey she asked me point blank, “does it get any easier?” Without thinking I responded, YES! I felt my heart aching for … More That Was Then, This is Now